Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Twilight and Dawn

I have a finished project tonight (erm, this morning)! These are my second pair of Jaywalkers and they were knit from the toe up. Now I can understand why some knit this pattern over and over and over...

I'm sure you all will notice the blatant pooling on the legs of these, but I actually like it here. As I knit on these, I realized that the way the colors were coming out reminded me of night and day, and when I finished the first sock I decreed that they would be called...

Twilight and Dawn Jaywalkers
Yarn: Lime & Violet Sasquatch in Fairy Fruits
Pattern: um...Jaywalkers (toe up)

Here's the artsy fartsy closeup shot. The color is also better in this one. Or at least, closer to true. Pose, ladies!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What I did on my summer vacation

Lots of knitting, that's what. Having so much time off allowed me to be a bit ADD with my projects, and it was really fun! I abandoned the Jaywalkers I was working on temporarily and started a few new projects. First up, a collegue at work was expecting his first child at any moment when I left for vacation. They knew they were having a girl, so I decided to make her a hat. Little Eva was welcomed to the world on Tuesday, so Daddy's at home with her for the next couple weeks, but when he comes back this will be waiting on his desk.

I love this lace pattern. A lot. There is a secret project that I spent quite a bit of time on over my vacation using this stitch pattern. Unfortunately I ran out of yarn, and of course it is discontinued, so the grand revealing of the project will have to wait until I've hunted down another skein. Sigh. I shall persevere though, and if all goes well, there may be an original pattern available here soon!

I also started a purse as a birthday present for one of my bestest friends. Its' going a lot quicker than I thought it would - a nice change from my usual scramble to finish things in time.

On Monday I picked the Jaywalkers back up. Monday night I was hanging out with my best friend, and had just cast on for the second sock. His boyfriend looked at the bit of yarn wrapped around a tangle of tiny needles I had in my hands and said...

"Are you building a raft?"

Hannah had a good vacation too, she hung out...

And slept.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

A Walk in the Woods with a Monkey

The Monkey socks are finished! I luff them. They were so much fun to knit, and I really really love the colors. A lot. I knit these with size 1 DPNs out of Claudia's Handpainted in the Walk in the Woods colorway.

And I thought Hannah would like to tell you that she likes my socks too, but more likely she would like to tell me to get that stupid contraption that makes the bright flashes out of her face while she is napping.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Green Gable finished! -and other goings on

Finished, and I love it! It's not to heavy, it fits like a dream, was a breeze to make (I love the no-seaming!), and the man, Danimal, vociferously approves. [It's not everyday you get to use a word like that there!]

This is the first garment I have knit for myself that I am 100% happy with the finished item. I like the pattern so well, and it it so simple that I will absolutely knit it again at some point.

In other news, I had a birthday. Danimal made me salmon for dinner and baked me this cake. He is very very good to me.

I also purchased myself an early birthday present of some of Lime & Violet's lovely Sasquatch sock yarn, and an on the day birthday present of a swift and winder. Life just got a whole lot easier!

That's Possessive Propaganda, Fairy Fruits, and Box of Wishes from left to right. Yummy! Feeding the sock addiction is goood.
We also went to a butterfly sanctuary that day.

I got to borrow my dad's Digital Rebel SLR camera that day. It was so much fun. I took a lot of pictures, but I think these are two of the best. Borrowing my dad's camera made me realize how much I wished I had a decent camera, especially considering that my current one was flaking out periodically due to an iced tea incident. - Don't ask, I'm sure you can imagine.

This all brings me to my after birthday purchase...a new camera. My old one is an Olympus, and I really liked it, so I looked at Olympus again. I found the perfect one for me in the Stylus 780. LOVE IT. To continue the theme of the catch-up picture post, here are some neat ones I took with the new toy in the Lowell-Dracut-Tyngsboro State Forest on Friday.

The Lowell-Tyngsboro town line. I sat here and knit on my sock for a little while, until the mosquitos discovered me.

And I found that the Lady Slippers are in bloom. I was glad to be in New England that day.

Super Macro Mode also works very good on socks in progress...hopefully they will be finished in a few days.
Happy Knitting!